Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Still Voice of Wisdom

Two people have lived in you all of your life.
One is the personality,
garrulous, demanding,
hysterical, calculating.

The other is the hidden
spiritual being,
whose still voice of
wisdom you have
only rarely heard
or attended to.

Sogyal Rinpoche

Of Note: If it weren't for our Soul, we would be like this scarecrow man plowing his imaginary field. Day after day looking busy but getting nowhere really. The stirring of the Soul brings vitality and direction. The signs of its awakening might be subtle at first. But the "still small voice" will assuredly get louder until it has our full attention. Thanks again to my talented sister, Marie, for snapping this shot of a very busy scarecrow at a local nursery. Apparently, straw people are a specialty there and come in many shapes and occupations.
Today's Weather Report: Clouds upon clouds and chilly to the bone. It is supposed to snow tonight after midnight. That means we might awaken tomorrow with the fluffy stuff on the ground. This pattern is forecast to continue until Tuesday. That means the cats wills start using their litterbox again instead of using the outdoor facilities. Five cats make lots of scoops, let me tell you! (Still using the less than favorable browser. has been unresponsive to date about the problem with the other browser, which is the one they recommend to use.)

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