Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spiritual Globalization

We are living in a period
of commercial globalization.
What we really need is
spiritual globalization.

~Sr. Joan Chittister

Of Note: In my mental world, commercial and spiritual are one and the same. One could argue that the underpinning values of globalization range from the very base such as moneymaking to the more lofty such as sharing and cooperation--but ALL values represent humanity's spiritual nature to some degree or other. It could no other way for the divine entity, man, who walks the path of globalization in his next steps up the ladder of evolution. There could be no better example of globalization than the Olympics, and the Winter Games start tomorrow in Vancouver, BC. Making their debut are teams from the Peru, Pakistan, Columbia, Ghana, Montenegro, and Serbia. While not large, these teams show resolve in putting forth athletes who hail from current or former countries of conflict. Given the inherent global representation at these games, it might behoove us to begin looking at the Olympics as a spiritual event for at some level that is indeed what it is.

Today's Weather Report: This is a double alleluia day! With the sun out and temps in the mid-30's, you would think it was spring already. Ah, in my imagination today, I can see the plants growing tall, and the flower buds facing the sun ready to burst open and show their stuff. Misty was mesmerized by the pools of water created in the snow by the drips off the roof. She had never seen such a sight and couldn't quite figure it out. Little Chewy could care less as he lounged on the top of a snow pile taking in the rays. Tonight is the last night, knock on wood, that it will dip below zero (as predicted by my personal weatherman, Jim.)

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