we want to see in the world.
~Mahatma Gandhi
Of Note: Little is remembered of the postwar diplomats at the United Nations, who wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As a matter of fact, all are now dead except for one, a 93-year old French former Nazi resister and diplomat, who has re-emerged with a 30-page manifesto entitled, "Indignez-vous," or "Get Indignant." Stephane Hessel, a three-time escapee from Nazi prison camps, felt compelled "to blast the climate of antipathy, bias, and greed that is sapping France's spirit." The short document, first printed in an attic, has spread by word of mouth to over 1,000,000 million people, making it the number one best seller in a land dominated by books. His main thesis is that indifference or the refusal to think are the worst attitudes currently threatening mankind. "I can do nothing about it" spells death in his opinion. Hessel said: "By behaving in this way, we lose one of the essential components that makes us human." The elder statesman argues that the main problem facing the planet is the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and that terrorism in inefficient: "I am convinced that the future belongs to non-violence. It is through this path that humanity will be able to cross its next stage." Sounds like he has been conferring with the Masters of Wisdom, who promulgate the same concept through the idea of Tactica Adversa, which allows the enemy to destroy itself and clears the way for a future of non-violence. While we know that the Masters are warriors first, the Art of War promotes the use of the mind over the use of force, which will always prove victorious in the end.
Today's Weather Report: The sun was out a little while ago but now the clouds have moved back in. To date, no Arctic blast has hit, and it is currently 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold and clear would describe the conditions nicely. Turns out the Chicago boys are flying in but have yet to call from the local Hayward airport to say they have arrived. The local ice fishermen have been at it for hours with little to show for their effort. "One got away" is the closest they've come. It would be unfortunate if the visitors did not get to experience ice-fishing in northern Wisconsin in January. They had better hurry because it gets dark just a little after 5 PM.
Today's Weather Report: The sun was out a little while ago but now the clouds have moved back in. To date, no Arctic blast has hit, and it is currently 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold and clear would describe the conditions nicely. Turns out the Chicago boys are flying in but have yet to call from the local Hayward airport to say they have arrived. The local ice fishermen have been at it for hours with little to show for their effort. "One got away" is the closest they've come. It would be unfortunate if the visitors did not get to experience ice-fishing in northern Wisconsin in January. They had better hurry because it gets dark just a little after 5 PM.
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