and solidarity of the human family.
We are one people -- one in our relationships,
capacities and desires, our origin and our goal.
It is this essential and recognizable integrity
which is emerging at this time powerfully
in the human consciousness.
In every land and among widely differing people,
the same desire exists for understanding,
for the establishment of right human relations,
and for the expression of that basic goodwill
which is one of the deepest human
characteristics and our divine inheritance.
~Alice Bailey
Today's Weather Report: Continued cooler weather--it required a sweater today. These fluffy purple flowers are called Gay Feathers and festoon my garden from one end to the other. August is not a very colorful month as far as flowers are concerned but the gay feathers make up for it. They also come in white and are quite prolific. Also prolific are the fruit flies which have invaded my bathroom for some reason. I've seen many in the act of copulating in midair. Now that takes some doing. They remind me of the gnats that used to buzz us in grade school--think Texas in August with no air conditioners. The nuns would drag out the gnat oil and dot our noses. Those were the days, for sure.